Almond Surf Shop Turns 9!

March 9th will mark the 9 year anniversary of opening our doors as a small surf shop in Newport Beach / Costa Mesa.
Photo: Scott Snyder (@makinglines)
The motivation for us to open the shop was the same then as it is now—we wanted to have a physical space to invite customers in to, so we could discuss surfboard design, surf approaches, swell forecasts, and the weather.
Our aim continues to be to build the best surfboards we can to help our customers take advantage of whatever surf conditions are available on any given day—hence our celebration of #twofeetandfiring.
The reality is, the waves are poor-to-fair a majority of the time, but with the right equipment and the right attitude, there is no shortage of great surfing to be had.
Even when the waves are only 2 feet, there are plenty of opportunities to ride a wave all the way from the outside to the sand.
As we enter our 9th year, we have some really exciting stuff in the works... Projects that allow us to double-down on our efforts to help you enjoy your surfing experience to the fullest.
We can't wait to share that with you, when the time is right.
In the meantime, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining us on this journey of California surfboard building, and an appreciation for: medium surf, small surf, solo surfs, surfs with friends, noserides, bottom turns, whoop-de-doos, party waves, head dips, doughnuts on the picnic table, collaborations, inside jokes, international shipments, neighbors down the street, old friends, new friends, and gracious strangers. We surpassed 5,000 surfboards recently, and it's all thanks to you.
Thank you for 9 awesome years, and here's to 99 more.
Dave, Griffin, Jeff, Cam, Megan, Wesley, Joel and everyone else who contributes directly and indirectly to this team.