Are You Ready to Recycle Your R-Series? ♻️

Surfboards are meant to be ridden and enjoyed for many, many years.
That said, we are rapidly approaching the 6 year anniversary of when we first introduced our rugged and recyclable R-series line... and stuff happens in six years.
If your R-Series is beat up from the feet up and you are considering recycling it, we are doing an R-Series Recycling Drive for the next 2 weeks.
From today through February 15th trade in your heavily used R-Series Surfboard and we will give you a $100 credit towards any new surfboard.
R-Series Recycling Video from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.
This helps in two ways: it keeps surfboards from ever seeing the inside of a landfill and it keeps your quiver fresh and useful.
Note: If you don't live near Costa Mesa and you have an R-Series you want to recycle, shoot us an email and we will try to help coordinate logistics for getting your board back to us. Keep in mind, however, that you will be responsible for covering the costs of shipping.
Thanks for participating in this Recycling drive. We're looking forward to many, many more years of great waves ahead.
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