Surf Tips: Master Your Bottom Turn

Do you ever feel sluggish coming off the bottom of a wave, as if you’re dragging a piece of kelp? If so, I have some tips to help you improve speed and control in your bottom turns. Whether you're looking to turn faster off the top or simply refine your technique, these tips will help.
Why the Bottom Turn Matters
The bottom turn is the foundation of your entire ride. It sets the tempo for how you approach and ride the wave. Whether you’re aiming to hit the lip with speed or take a more laid-back line, a well-executed bottom turn is key.

Start with Speed and Timing
A successful bottom turn begins with a well-timed entry into the wave. Make sure you’ve built up enough speed after paddling in. Understanding wave dynamics and picking the right moment to drop in at the peak is crucial. Think of it like dropping into a skate ramp—you want to carry that momentum as you approach the trough.
Focus and Body Positioning
As you reach the bottom of the wave, focus on where you want to go—your board will naturally follow your gaze. Get low, bending your knees, and shift weight onto your back foot to increase control and maneuverability. If you watch professional surfers, you’ll notice they often swing their back arm back during the turn. This movement creates leverage, giving you an extra burst of speed.
Choose Your Line
Once you’ve executed the bottom turn, decide on your next move. You can opt for a high line, gliding effortlessly across the wave, or carve toward the lip for a more aggressive approach. With a well-timed bottom turn, you’ll feel more speed and control than ever before.