Our Most Ambitious Project Ever

4 years ago, we invited you guys to a board demo to unveil a surfboard project we had secretly been working on for almost 3 years.
We didn't share any photos of the project before the demo, because we wanted to witness folk's initial reactions to this brand new thing we had made.
The surfboard we unveiled that day was the R-Series 5'4 Secret Menu.
To that point in history, we had only ever built surfboards wrapped in fiberglass and resin. This 5-foot-4-inch experiment was unproven and exciting.
We believed then, as we do today, that a durable, low-maintenance version of our favorite surfboards would be a valuable addition to peoples' quivers.
Nowadays, the R-Series line has become an integral part of our business and our personal surf routines—and we've expanded the line to include 4 models.
We also developed a custom fin box so we could offer real, universal fin boxes across the entire R-Series range.
Over the last 4 years, we've messed around with stringer placements, stringer materials, foam density, and more... all aimed at making these boards perform more and more like the "real" thing.
We still have big plans for the R-Series line. We're never going to stop tinkering with them to make them the best performing foamie on the market, but this week, we're looking back to that very first day.
I remember writing after that board demo that it felt like my birthday party. I was over-the-moon excited, and so thankful that so many friends, customers, and coworkers were there to share in the excitement of this new thing we had made.
The R-Series boards we are building today are better than the ones we had on the beach that day in May of 2018, but I still keep one of those original 5'4 Menus in my quiver. It's a reminder of how far we've come, but also a reminder to never stop being curious.
Thank you guys for believing in us 4 years ago, and believing in us now. We're truly thankful and humbled that we get to build surfboards for a living. Our brightest days are still ahead.