Why Would We Shape a 3'10" Surfboard?
The other day, Griffin shaped a 3'10" version of our Rover model.
Why would he shape such a ridi...

Twin Pheasant
The newest board in development around here is not the result of some conference room design meet...

I Think We Might Be On To Something...
Guys, I think we might be onto something with this Experimental 7'6" Mini Walks on Water.
I surf...

Drew's New Rocket Fish
Part of our job is to refine our best sellers and ensure that they are as reliable and true as an...

Experimental: Mini Walks on Water
We took our most stable noserider model, Andy Nieblas' Walks on Water, and made it... smaller. A...

Experimental New Surfboard
... with a fin setup that we've never employed before.
Alex Swanson has been riding the WTRP for ...

9'0 Longview | Design Concept
I had an idea for a new longboard—based on my all-time favorite longboard—the Surf Thump.
The Sur...

Experimental 6'6 Quad Fish
You may recall the light blue tint 6'4 Plez-Kumber that we cooked up a couple months ago...

Experimental Plez-Kumber Version 2.0
A few months ago we made a new experimental board model, that drew influences from a board we had...