The Essential Guide for New Surfers
The secret of truly great surfers is that they have an ability to make everything they do look in...

What's the Best Surfboard for Learning to Surf?
When you are learning to surf, you need to find a board that paddles well while still being relat...

How to Duck Dive a Bigger Board
We get a lot of questions from customers about whether or not specific board models will duck div...

Cancel Your Membership to the Late & Infrequent Surf Club
Stop catching waves late. Stop missing the waves you paddle for.
If you properly match your equip...

Surf Tips: Paddling Out At A New Spot
Anytime you paddle out at a brand new surf spot, there are considerations to keep in mind. Some o...

6 Tips to Ensure You'll Never Be "In the Way"
The rules of the surf lineup are quite simple and logical once you get your bearings.If you know ...

A "Beginner Surfboard" Designed to Actually Progress Your Surfing
When looking for a beginner surfboard, find a board that will make it easy to learn the fundament...

Surfing 101
Surfing is the art of momentarily harnessing the immense power of the ocean and using it for your...

Watch More Surf Movies
The instant gratification of social media clips has cut the legs out from under what was once the...

Commit to One Surf Spot
At this stage in your surfing development, it’s best to eliminate variables so you can increase y...

3 Ways to Speed Up Learning How to Surf
Learning to surf can be a long and clumsy process. If you want to speed up the learning curve, c...

That First Wave Feeling
The following is an excerpt from our upcoming Almond's Guide to Your First Year of Surfing
Ask ...

Learn How to Watch Surfing
Have you ever watched a football game on TV, and as the teams line up for the snap said to yourse...