Visit to Yokishop

In the 3 years we spent on Pacific Coast Hwy as Yoki's neighbors, he would pop in and grab a board out of the rack and just start feeling it and talking about little nuances of it that he liked. It didn't matter if a board had been in there for 3 days or 3 months, Yoki could find something new to marvel over. I think that's part of what makes him Yoki, being able to see something new in something many would see as ordinary or familiar.
For old time's sake, Jeffrey Allee took a 5'9 Sandia fish down to Yokishop on Friday, and asked our old neighbor to model it really quick. Brings back some pretty great memories seeing this scene play out again. If you're out and about today, pop in and see the best guy in town and finding the new in the everyday.