Board of the Week | May 16

This week's Board of the Week is this 7'6 Mini Walks on Water.
Honestly if you haven't tried this board yet, come try one at our next Early & Often Surf Club meet-up... this board will very likely surprise (and delight) you.
I had to hide the board at work because I kept reaching for it every time I surfed and I was forgoing all of my other surfboards. I pride myself on trying to be as well-rounded of a surfer as I can be; which means giving a fairly broad selection of boards equal use.
But the Mini WoW is just so dang easy to have fun on.
It paddles ridiculously well for any length board, but especially for a board in the mid-seven-foot-range.
Because of the full outline and wide tail, the Mini WoW absolutely flies across the surface of the water. Soft, fat sections of waves are a problem of the past.
This is really a board that I anticipate we will be building a lot more of in the future. Come snag a few waves on one, you'll be happy that you did.

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