Guaranteed Way to Surf More Often

Want to surf more often?
The best way to ensure you get your behind to the beach and in the water is to find a surf buddy who is as stoked (or more) than you are...
They will wake you up early on Saturday morning, show up at your house when you don't answer the phone, and refuse to take "no" for an answer.
They will guilt, beg, manipulate, and lie about the surf report.
I know this from personal experience, because I have had many surf-stoked friends over the years who get me in the water when I lose my way...
And I have 14+ years of experience witnessing the most savage surf salesmen in the world... best friends. If someone comes in to look at boards, and brings their "surf buddy" along, you can almost guarantee they are walking out with a new board. Because that's what good surf buddies do... in addition to waking you up early on Saturday to surf two foot waves, they convince you that you need a new surfboard whenever the question arises.
Perhaps you are the surf-stoked surf buddy. In that case... tell your friends that they 100% need a new surfboard and they 100% need to set their alarm for 5:45 am on Saturday.
Or perhaps you're the one (like I often am) that needs the little extra nudge to put responsibility aside and just paddle out.
If you are lacking a reliable surf buddy, give your best friend a copy of this free guide, or come to our next Early & Often Surf Club meet-up and make a friend.
The accountability of a good surf buddy is priceless. It's like a personal trainer that you don't have to pay for, and usually they know how to get under your skin enough to get you motivated.
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