Twin Fin vs. Single Fin
The TWIN FIN vs SINGLE FIN debate has filled surf parking lots for the last few generations. Whil...

New Model: The Rover
We have a brand new board model in the racks of the shop. It's called The Rover and it's a small,...

Well-Rounded Surfers Have...
Well-rounded surfers have well-rounded quivers.
The ocean is constantly changing, so the conditi...

The Best All-Around Surfer in the Lineup is...
The best all-around surfer in the lineup is... the one who can do the following 3 things:

Keep Your Wave-Count High on a Smaller Board
The difference between catching every wave you paddle for and getting tossed over the falls, wil...

You Need A Small Board in Your Quiver
You must have a small board in your quiver, even if—and especially when—it pushes you outside yo...

The Unexpected Benefit of Letting Your Friend Drop in on You
"Go! I'll go behind you!"
When the waves are playful, I find myself shouting that to friends in t...

Your Feet Follow Your Eyes
Whether riding a surfboard, a bicycle, or driving a car, your eyes will dictate the direction of ...

How to Properly Generate Speed on a Surfboard
Obviously the clip below is Tegan riding a boat wake, not an ocean wave, but the principals for g...