How to Properly Generate Speed on a Surfboard

Obviously the clip below is Tegan riding a boat wake, not an ocean wave, but the principals for generating speed on a surfboard remain the same. If anything the boat wake is more gutless, making generating speed even more difficult when you fall behind the pocket.
The wider a surfboard tail is, the more your downward force translates into forward drive. Because the tail on the 5'4 R-Series Secret Menu is fairly wide, the board is quite efficient at speed-generation. The round rail of the Secret Menu also allows Tegan to engage the length of the rail in his pumps.
As Tegan pumps the board, his downward force displaces water causing the board to speed up. Once he catches up with the pocket, the board is able to glide effortlessly due to the steeper face and increased power the pocket provides.
Almond R-Series Wake Clip #10 from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.
Filmed in Texas by Evan Adamson