Walnut + Brass 10' Kookbox

We have always been very inspired by craftsman that have come before us. The old saying "they don't make things like they used to" is one that we refuse to accept. Whether its ignorance or optimism, we are constantly working to make things of lasting value, all the while giving a nod to those who came before us.
One of the most influential and supportive people of our journey has been Pete Tresselt of Laguna Beach, CA. If you aren't the least bit familiar with Pete, we did a video sharing his story a little while back: Surfer + Craftsman: Pete Tresselt
Pete has two surfboards that I am especially envious of. One of them is a 1950's solid balsa Hobie that hangs in his living room. The other is an old 1930's Tom Blake style Kookbox.
I love the beauty of Kookboxes, something about the hard lines of the square rails and the narrow, curvy outlines. Wild to think that at one time this was at the cutting edge of surfboard design. 1930 sounds like eons ago, but in the scope of history it really isn't so long ago.
My Dad and I built a hollow kookbox that adorned the wall of our Pacific Coast Hwy store, above the shortboards. When we moved up the hill to Costa Mesa at the end of last year, I knew we needed a new show piece to hang on the ceiling.
We enlisted the help of a few friends on this one, because true collaboration means working with people who are better than you at things.
Arnaud Pacaut and Alex Kelso have been friends of ours for a long time, and they are rather handy with all things lumber. Griffin and I opted to do an EPS foam core, and entrust the wood skinning to the furniture builders.
We specifically selected 1/8" Walnut lumber (not veneer) with highlights of blonde, to give this board maximum curb appeal. When building something that is essentially intended as a large piece of art, no expense can be spared. The 10' Kookbox was finished with a solid brass drain plug (unnecessary but historically accurate) and an oil finish.
Without further ado, this is the new 10' Walnut + Brass Almond Kookbox.