Barrel or Noseride?

Would you rather tuck under the lip for a barrel or get perched on the nose for a long noseride?
Depending on your surfing background, you may have strong leanings one way or the other. Or if you're more of a surfing generalist you might be thinking "can I have both?"
Well the answer is yes, you can have both.
While the expression of each surfing maneuver is incredibly different, the principals are more alike than you might think at first glance.
In order to do either, you must:
- Read what the wave is doing and respond accordingly.
- Draw an accurate line.
- Stall and get deep in the pocket—as close to the breaking section as possible.
- Develop the fast-twitch muscles to make the little micro-adjustments necessary to navigate the section.
The only difference is, when you are getting barreled you are stalling on a wave that is likely head high and you are trying to stay deep before generating the speed to get safely out to the shoulder.
With a noseride, you are likely riding a wave that is less than chest high and you need to set the tail of your board as deep in the breaking section as possible. This is the only way the laws of physics will be working in your favor enough to cross-step your way to the nose—the board must be firmly locked into the pocket of the wave with your tail buried deep.
If your 2024 surf goal is to get your first barrel, we have an article for you:
If you are looking to improve your noseriding, we have two crucial articles for you:
Whatever your surfing goal is this year, let us know how we can help you get there. The first step is get in the water as often as your schedule (and the conditions) will allow.
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