Do Your Legs Feel Too Stiff?

Do your knees and legs feel too stiff when you surf? Do your feet feel heavy when you try to cross step?
It's probably because your legs need to get stronger.
Over the course of your daily routine, you likely don't crouch very often. You sit, you stand, you walk, and if something falls on the ground, you bend at the waist to pick it up.
Practice crouching more often. Like every single day.
Don't rock back on your heels either, stay forward on the balls of your feet.
Doing that while waiting for the elevator or watching a show or whenever you think of it. I'm not asking you to add an exercise to your routine, just to vary your stance to engage slightly different muscles—muscles that happen to be incredibly beneficial for surfing!
Do this regularly and see how much it improves your flexibility and strength while surfing. It could be the best thing you do to improve your surfing this year.
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