Make Surfing Part of Your Weekly Routine

Make surfing a part of your rhythm every week.
Life is full of demands, distractions, and to-do lists, but carving out time just once a week to paddle out will ensure that surfing remains a part of your routine.
Maybe set the alarm extra early on Friday mornings and drive to the beach before the sun breaks the horizon. Or perhaps it means taking your kid, roommate, or spouse surfing on Saturday mornings, make it a rhythm of what you do together.
Personally, I'm a big fan of the late morning gentleman's hour.
I set my alarm for 5:05 am most days, so I can get a jump on reading, writing, or planning the day. I make breakfast for my family every morning around 7:00. Once breakfast is over and the dog is walked, how I use my time is generally up to me. I often get dragged immediately into the inbox and the task list, but if I am going to work surfing into my week, this is my window.
Maybe your window is Sunday morning, Tuesday evening, or Thursday at lunch. Find that time and protect it. Even a 25 minute quick-dip once a week is better than allowing weeks to roll off the calendar without getting in the water. You'd be surprised how many waves you can actually get in a 25 minute surf, if that's all that you have time for.
4 or 5 waves here and there add up. Not only will regularly ensuring that you're in the water improve your surfing drastically over time, but it will energize you for whatever else the day holds.
However you plan your week, make sure you block out a little time to keep surfing a regular part of it. Whether the waves are amazing or you have to convince yourself to paddle out, you'll be thankful when you look back on the year and realize how much time you were able to spend in the water.
- Use Surfline better
- Keep a surfboard in your car
- Remember, there's no such thing as Bad Waves
- Surf somewhere new
Remember, the second half of our mission statement (after helping you catch waves earlier) is helping you catch waves more often. Make a plan to go surfing this week. Then, make a plan to go surfing next week, and just keep protecting that time. You'll be glad you did, and we're here to keep nudging you any way we can.