Swanson Just Returned from the Palm Springs Surf Club

The text came in around 7 am... “PSSC just opened, book it if you can make it”.
After a few moments confirming the concurrence from the boss, I snagged a spot. Little did I know how unique this opportunity would be.
The next few weeks of anticipation included watching highlights, overthinking what to bring, and how it would all play out... the next thing I know I’m halfway down the 10 freeway with a relative idea of what would entail that late afternoon in early 2024.
We pulled up to a renovated waterpark off the 111 highway amongst the palm trees and cactus of Palm Springs feeling the anticipation building throughout the day. Checked in and posted up with friends on the poolside with chest-head high sets reeling through the pool, with San Jacinto peak in the background, everyone with the same levels of excitement reverberating through the space.
Our time slot showed up quicker than expected, suited and queued up to figure out
how the peak was going to be split, it made for a seamless line up: 6 rights and 6 lefts, divvied up over an hour session, if you blow your wave, you miss out. After having surfed Waco Surf, I knew the perfect board for this wave was going to be the 5’4” Secret Menu R-Series, and I couldn’t have made a better choice. Rotating between one of the three set waves made no difference in the idea behind catching the waves early and often.
Before I knew it, the session was wrapping up and I couldn’t have been happier with my board selection. With the early entry, paddle power, and ability to work through the pocket, it reaffirmed the idea that the Secret Menu was the best board to bring out, whether to a fun beach break in the middle of summer, or an artificial wave 115 miles from the nearest ocean.
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