Large Birds Are Notably Adept at Gliding
"Large birds are notably adept at gliding, including: Albatross. Condor. Vulture." -Wikipedia

Andy Nieblas | Sayulita
Andy Nieblas' gift is making surfing look effortless and incredibly fun. Here he is doing what he...

Learn to Noseride in 5 Steps
Becoming a true master in the art of noseriding is an ongoing process, however if you surf consis...

Surf Tip: Get Closer to the Wave
I absolutely love watching finless surfing—primarily because it forces the rider to be incredibly...

Patagonia Presents: The Physics of Noseriding
It should be no surprise that we are big fans of noseriding around here. Patagonia and Lauren Hil...

Learn to Noseride
One of the most satisfying sensations on a wave is to be firmly perched on the nose of a longboa...

Simple Steps to Improve Your Cross-Stepping
Today we are talking about the art of the cross-step—the preferred means of travel up and down th...

Our Most Stable Noserider
Stability is a valuable feature for intermediate surfers looking to build confidence, and consist...

Well-Rounded Surfers Have...
Well-rounded surfers have well-rounded quivers.
The ocean is constantly changing, so the conditi...

The importance of longevity around here cannot be over-stated.
Everything from the way we build o...

Early Bird Gets the Worm
The early bird gets the worm is an English expression which emphasizes the importance of starting...

Stop Waiting for the Conditions to Be Perfect
Both in surfing, and in real life, if you are waiting for the conditions to be perfect before you...

Fin Selection & Placement for Longboards
Fin selection and fin placement are paramount for maximizing your equipment. Adding the right ne...

Don't Surf Stiff-Legged
Surf lower.
It is better to surf crouched in a ball than it is to surf stiff-legged.
You can ma...

Cross-Step With Confidence
The first step to being able to cross-step forward is to position your surfboard comfortably in ...

The Best All-Around Surfer in the Lineup is...
The best all-around surfer in the lineup is... the one who can do the following 3 things:

You Can't Replace Length
When the waves are under head-high, the glide of a longboard provides an undeniable advantage for...

The Secret Ingredient that Makes an "Almond Ride Like an Almond"
We don’t talk outwardly about rocker profiles too often.
They are harder to show visuall...

How to Choose the Right Surfboard (For Any Age or Stage)
The goal is to find the surfboard that brings you and the wave into a harmonious symphony—whateve...

Stop Missing The Waves You Paddle For
Whenever I stand on the beach and watch the surf, I'm amazed at the number of people I see regula...