The Art of Resin Tints

When we first started making surfboards back in 2007, 2008, and 2009, one of the most distinctive elements that set us apart was our color palette. I would constantly hear people say, “I can always tell it’s an Almond—even from way down the beach—because nobody else has colors like Almond.”
That sentiment was a huge point of pride for us. The tones and tints we used weren’t just cosmetic—they were woven into the DNA of our brand. From the very beginning, we were intentional about our approach to color, making sure it complemented the craftsmanship that went into each board.
I’ve always loved resin tints because they enhance rather than conceal. Unlike paint, which covers up the materials underneath, a resin tint adds a lens of color that allows the natural layers of foam, fiberglass, and wood to shine through. It’s like looking at your board through rose-tinted glasses—where the tint doesn’t obscure but rather highlights the craftsmanship involved.
A well-done resin tint can draw out the subtleties of the board’s construction. It’s a way to showcase the board's materials and design while adding a touch of personality. There’s a real art to applying a resin tint, and it’s something we’re proud to offer on all our custom surfboard models.
For a surfboard laminator, a perfect resin tint is a sign of mastery. It starts with hand-mixing the color in a cup—a process that’s more art than science. Getting the tint just right takes a deep understanding of the materials, patience, and skill. Once the color is mixed, it’s carefully applied to the fiberglass, allowing the natural layers of the surfboard to remain visible beneath the surface.
Every great glass job begins with a solid lamination, and a great tint starts with the perfect blend of color and resin. It's one of those subtle details that, when done well, transforms a surfboard into something truly special.
Recently, we decided to revisit and refine the color palette that has been so core to our identity. We spent months making small tweaks, adjusting hues, and drawing heavy inspiration from the natural world. After countless iterations and nearly invisible changes, we’ve arrived at a new resin tint color palette that we’re incredibly proud to introduce.

We’re leaning into these resin tints because they represent who we are—natural, authentic, and carefully crafted.
Resin tints have always been central to our identity, and we’re excited to carry that tradition forward with this fresh palette.

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