The R-Series: How Is It Made?

Most of the questions we've received about the new R-Series Secret Menu is centered around "when are you going to release another (bigger) model?" Which is a question we will answer in an official capacity sometime in the near future.
Another common theme to the questions relates to the foam material, and the shaping process.
Well, the shaping process and the introduction of a larger R-Series board model are directly related.
The R-Series surfboards are injection-molded here in the USA, using a specially formulated, high-density copolymer foam—A process that requires an incredibly precise and fairly expensive mold.
This process required many prototype 5'4 Secret Menus before we landed on one that was "perfect" for this project.
Introducing a new model requires that same level of development, testing, and tooling.
The decision to introduce the 5'4 Secret Menu as the first board in the R-Series construction was a very intentional one. We continue to be blown away by the level of enthusiasm for this board, and are excited to continue to develop this series—with your valuable feedback and input.
Photo: Sam DeLeon