Almond Surf Shop is 12 Today!

We're proud of what we've built in the last 12 years, but we're far from finished...
Today marks a DOZEN years since we first opened the doors of our surf shop here in Costa Mesa / Newport Beach.
A lot of amazing people—and great surfboards—have passed through these doors over the last 12 years. We are incredibly thankful to you guys for being our community.
We’re honored to get to build products we believe in.
The boards we build, the articles we publish, and the conversations we have at the shop are intended to help each of you get more out of your surf experience—more waves, more great memories, and more time spent in the peace and quiet that the lineup provides.
In an increasingly noisy world, the surf lineup remains one of the rare places of refuge from devices and push notifications. A place to just be in-the-moment, participating in the simple act of sliding around on ocean waves for a while. Surfing is pure leisure—an activity whose benefits are mostly intangible, hard to describe, and yet entirely transformative to its participants.
As we look ahead to year twelve and beyond, we are doubling down on our mission to build the most enjoyable surfboards we can, surfboards that will be used and cherished for a lifetime. And along the way, we'll try to lower hurdles, provide ample resources, and invite more opportunities for community to flourish.
Thank you so much for being part of this journey with us, it is an honor to serve you guys.