"We Have to Prove That These Things Actually Work"

I remember in the early days of building surfboards with Griffin, we would get so stoked about photos and video clips of Nathan, Andy, Cyrus, Schuyler, Patchy, Aaron, etc riding the boards, because, as Griffin would always say, "We gotta prove that these things actually work!" By "things" he meant surfboards, and while the notion that we had to continue to prove that they worked was a bit funny, it was absolutely true that those talented folks pushed the limits of what we thought was possible.
Feedback from surfers (of all levels) allows us to refine our approach and improve our finished product.
We are eight years into this journey of building surfboards for you all, and we still get excited about photos and videos of our surfboards in action. Like this photo of Andy, going backwards and fin first at Sano last week... (photo: Jeffrey Allee)