What to Look for When Buying A Noserider

Equipment selection is a critical part of enjoying your surfing experience.
Whether you're looking for a versatile board that can work in a variety of conditions, or a board that fills a very specific need or goal, selecting the right surfboard can be intimidating.
When you're looking for the right surfboard, take advantage of the tools that are at your disposal, like our Surfboard Matching Quiz. It's a short list of questions aimed at helping you narrow your search.
However, today we're here to talk about one classification of surfboard (perhaps the class we are best known for) the noserider.
Although length is important, simply being over nine feet in length is not enough to qualify as a noserider.
Here's what to look for:
- A Full, wide nose
- Low entry rocker
- Fuller, boxy rails
- Finish weight between 18 and 22 lbs
- Usually a square tail*
*While not all noseriders have to have a square tail, a wider tail does provide additional stability when the rider is out on the nose.
Noseriding occurs when the board is positioned deep in the pocket. The surfer and the nose of the board will be just barely ahead of the breaking section of the wave and the tail of the board will be buried 9+ feet deep into the wave. The fuller, wider tail provides an additional level of stability because of the surface area that you have buried under water.
This is why you will find a square tail on our Lumberjack and Walks on Water models—two of our most popular noseriding models.
Each of these models have been a proven noserider in our range for many years—and the favorites of team riders like Andy Nieblas and Nathan Adams.
If you are dreaming of getting perched on the nose and hanging five (or ten) through the inside section, start by getting yourself the right equipment and then read our tips & articles on improving your technique and approach.
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