What's the Secret That Makes Almond Surfboards Paddle Faster?

...Carefully tuned rockers, blended concaves, and generous volume under your chest for paddling.
We figured out many years ago that most people's struggles with surfing started with catching waves too late. By catching the wave late in its formation, you don't give yourself enough time to get to your feet and draw your line.
This is true of longboarders, shortboarders, and everyone in between.
It turns out you don't need all of that nose rocker to avoid pearling—you just need a board that glides better and catches waves much earlier in their formation.
We have spent the last 15 years building custom surfboards that surf incredibly well, while also prioritizing glide, paddling speed, and high-wave-counts.
Because, when that wave you have been waiting for comes to you, we want you to turn and paddle with complete confidence that you're about to get a free ride all the way down the beach.
A low, gradual entry rocker allows your board to sail across the surface of the water, with minimal resistance. The tail rocker helps the board match the speed of the wave and eases the turning process when it's time to change direction.
Blended Nose Concave
All of our Noseriders & Longboards feature a blended nose concave that creates lift while noseriding, without slowing the board down during the rest of the paddling and surfing moments.
Generous Volume
Volume is one measurement that gets a lot of press. It's a way of putting a number to "how much board is it?" Volume can be helpful when comparing two boards with distinctly different shapes. However, WHERE THE VOLUME IS PLACED is what separates a good surfboard from a great one.
We make sure to put a good amount of volume under your chest, while you're paddling for that wave you don't want to miss, while carefully tuning the rails, tails, and contours to ensure you get maximum enjoyment out of every ride.
One part of the equation that can't be overlooked: effort.
Conserve your energy by timing your paddle-out well, so you have gas left in the tank to dig deep and paddle hard when the moment counts. Focus on powerful, efficient strokes and make it a point to get into waves 2-3 strokes earlier. The rest of your surfing will improve dramatically.
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