A Surfboard Review That Includes a Video Game Reference

To a degree, we live vicariously through the stories and feedback of you guys—our customers—at least during work hours. Nothing gets spread around the office faster than a really good report from somebody who is enjoying their board. It gives us an extra pep in our step and serves as a regular reminder of why we build surfboards in the first place.
This 5'4 R-Series Secret Menu review came across my desk yesterday and is too good not to share, both in its thoroughness and creativity. Plus, I gotta respect waiting a year after getting a new board to write a review, so you can adequately put said board through the paces.
"After now having owned an r-series secret menu for about a year, I felt it was time to give my two cents. This is by far one of my favorite and most used boards in my quiver. From punchy shore break to mushy rollers throughout the Orange County coast, this board covers it all. I recently fell in love with this board again after the winter wave machine shut down and it has gone rather flat. For a little bit I forgot how easily one can catch waves on this board - making fun out of a session one wouldn’t have gone out otherwise. It’s also a game changer not having to worry about wax, water logging, or delamination since there is no plastic slick bottom. If there was a surfing video game, the r-series secret menu would be one of the hidden board unlocks that lets you catch and ride any wave. I highly recommend that everyone add one of these boards to their quiver - from beginner to expert. Thanks Almond for the endless fun, cheers!"
Thank you to all of you who send us notes like the one above, it truly adds fuel to our fire around here. We'll keep churning out the best surf equipment we can, and you guys keep reporting back with your stories.