Andrea Coleman | Just San No To Nukes

If you don't follow Andrea Coleman on instagram, you're likely already familiar with her work. She shoots and films at Sano, and regularly shares her photos and clips for the rest of us to appreciate and enjoy.
As you can imagine, the potentially catastrophic nuclear waste situation down at San Onofre is near and dear to not only Andrea, but all of us who live in Southern California. (I've heard San Onofre Nuclear Plant houses somewhere in the ballpark of 7x what was released at Chernobyl).
The solution current being floated around is to bury said nuclear waste below the sand—about 100 feet from the shoreline. This may be an oversimplification of the subject, but I don't claim to be an expert at nuclear waste disposal options, or even the specifics of the issue at Sano.
What is important is that we explore EVERY SINGLE possible option for safe removal of the waste before burying the stuff at the beach.
According to an Orange County Register article dated four days ago,
Four nuclear waste canisters with a potentially defective design have been loaded with spent fuel and buried in a “concrete monolith” yards from the beach at the shuttered San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Southern California Edison is moving tons of waste from the reactors’ two spent fuel pools into a Holtec HI-STORM UMAX dry storage system.
Experts say dry storage is far safer than wet storage, and Edison aims to transfer it all to the Holtec system by mid-2019.
Since there’s no federal repository yet, the nuclear waste is “stranded” on site.
Rather than cowering from the subject, Andrea and the folks at San Onofre Surf Company are teaming up to raise awareness.
Their goal is to raise funds by selling these t-shirts, to take out newspaper ads to further the awareness of the truly catastrophic risks at hand.
To support their cause, purchase one of these rad t-shirts and do what I'm about to do, and read up on the subject so we can seek a safe and everlasting solution to this problem.