Andy's New Ride

Andy Nieblas has had a beat up, old, gold 6’9 singlefin for YEARS. I’m pretty sure it was a garage sale score… It’s narrow and straight and he surfs it really well when the waves get good.
We finally decided that it was high-time to shape him a brand new one—based on the old 70’s one that he clearly likes so much. We left it very true-to-form for that era. Thick down-rails, pretty flat bottom, and wide point forward.
He just came today to pick up the brand new version that Griffin cooked up.
Pretty sure there isn’t a more rewarding person to build boards for than @andynieblas perpetually stoked and endlessly positive. Now we can't wait to see what he does with this thing under his feet. Photos: @jeffrey_allee
Several of you have reached out to ask if we are taking orders yet, but we want to get some feedback from Andy before taking anyone's money for a custom order.