Dave Allee | Surf Basis Podcast

I sat down with Van from Surf Basis recently to discuss surfing & surfboards, including the thought that goes into the Two Feet & Firing ethos that tends to run throughout much of what we do.
Watch the interview below, or listen on your favorite podcast streaming app:
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- 00:00 Introduction and the Importance of Equipment
- 03:47 Origin Story of Almond Surfboards
- 05:45 Getting Started in Shaping
- 08:07 Transitioning to Alternative Boards
- 10:03 Benefits of Riding a Log
- 14:47 Influence of Newport Beach on Almond Surfboards
- 21:45 Regional Differences in Board Design
- 24:10 Choosing a Longboard
- 26:32 The Surf Nice Longboard Model
- 27:29 Sizing the Length of the Board
- 29:24 Choosing a Board for Beginners
- 31:19 The Benefits of Single Fins
- 32:10 Transitioning to Smaller Craft
- 36:00 The Philosophy of Mid-Length Boards
- 44:04 The 5'4" R Series Foamie
- 47:15 Working with Andy Nieblas
- 51:05 The Perfect Wave
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