Paddle Out With Confidence

I was just chatting with Griffin (shaper) and had a realization... the aim of all these articles is simply to get you paddling out with confidence.
- Confidence in your ability to read waves (and predict what each wave will do).
- Confidence in your ability to select the proper equipment for the day.
- Confidence in your equipment.
- Confidence in your paddling.
- Confidence in your wave-catching.
- Confidence in your ability to properly navigate the wave and extend your ride all the way down the beach—then kick out and do it again.
Then your sprinkle in our encouragement to make surfing a regular part of your routine and rhythm, and suddenly surfing becomes an enjoyable addition to your demanding and ever-changing life.
We can't make work go away, mow your lawn for you, or get teachers to cancel homework, but we can help you squeeze the maximum amount of enjoyment out of the pockets of time you do have to spend in the water.
Now, the question is... which of these bullet points above is your current bottle-neck? And how can we help solve it for you?
Once you figure out what your bottleneck is, shoot us a note and let us know... we want to hear from you.
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