Jake Zylstra // 9'4 Lumberjack
Jake Zylstra, showing off his new 9’4 Lumberjack. No doubt he’ll be all over the California Coas...
Andy Nieblas // Nose Manual // Rhonda Stripe
New vertical stripe woven short sleeve shirts for Summer. White/Blue and Navy/Navy options avail...
Plywood Log Rhythm Fin
New glossed & polished Log Rhythm fin by Gully. We have some great new glassed-on-fin boards ...
Secret Menu // Burger Wednesday
Because he’s our favorite neighbor, we did a special Burger Wednesday edition Secret Menu for Sco...
Modified Pinwheel // Simon Patchett
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that we were working on a new variation of the Pinwheel for Patchy...
Andy Nieblas // South Swell
Andy Nieblas surfing his Barrel Dodger at one of the many breaks in-and-around Trestles, yesterda...
Seasonally-Specific // Resin Tints
Summer Color Surfboards for Soeda Surfboards Japan. Tomo Soeda shot this photo from the roof of ...
Simon Patchett // Pinwheel Japan
We’ve been talking surfboard design with Patchy quite a bit recently; mostly via Skype. It was g...
Making of an Almond Lumberjack
We did a video last Summer following a single 9’6 Lumberjack all the way through production. Hope...