Celebrating 16 Years

On Saturday morning, we celebrated 16 years of Almond Surf Shop the best way we know how...
We started the morning with an Early & Often Surf Club gathering here in Newport, and were delighted to be met with lots of fun, playful waves.
Many waves were shared, Jake snapped a few photos as well as some video clips (forthcoming). To be honest, the conditions were everything you could ask for for an EOSC gathering: playful, and in great supply.
I rode a 10'2 Cash-Yew II and sat outside of everyone else.
After the morning surf, we headed up the hill to Almond for burgers on the front lawn. If you don't know the history of what make's Scotty's burgers so significant, here's a quick backstory.
A Brief History of Burger Wednesday
Scott used to work for Yokishop, as Jeff Yokoyama's right hand man. Scotty also has a secret burger marinade that surprises and delights all who are lucky enough to get one. Back in the 2009-2011 era, Burger Wednesday was born—and quickly became a regular gathering place for young creative folks in Costa Mesa. (This is back when Yokishop was on Pomona street in Costa Mesa before he moved down to PCH.)
Half the people I know in Costa Mesa I feel like I can trace back to those early Burger Wednesdays (and that's saying something because I grew up here).
So beyond being the juiciest burger, Scotty's Burger Wednesday burgers come with a healthy dose of warm nostalgia—which is matched by the classic charcoal Weber grill he insists on using.
This is the third Almond anniversary in a row where Scott has blessed us with manning the grill and dishing our burgers. It feels like the only appropriate thing to serve when looking back and celebrating all that the past 16 years have held.
Thank you for making these past 16 years possible. More great things (and burgers) ahead...