Navigating Precarious Sections

In order to successfully navigate a precarious section, you’ve gotta fix your eyes on where you’re trying to get and hold on for a little turbulence.
This can include fighting the whitewash, lowering your center of gravity, adjusting your stance, grabbing the rail for stability, and bracing for smoother water ahead.
We are in a season of where it might feel like we're fighting the turbulence a bit, but it's important to keep our eyes on where we're trying to get.
Speaking of navigating sections, Nathan Adams is one of the absolute premier surfers at extending his waves by fighting through less desirable sections and getting to greener pastures. It's one of the things that is most remarkable about his surfing.
He leans on that inside rail, trusting that the glide of his 9'9" rail line will push him through it. Every time he successfully navigates a precarious section, he is rewarded with an open, green face to continue surfing.
Navigating Precarious Sections from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.