California Shaping History
Griffin is a fairly humble guy, so you won't catch him in front of the camera or hanging out at ...
6-Year Anniversary
Yesterday marks the 6-Year anniversary of the grand opening of Almond Surfboards. On March 8, 2...
Griffin NK // Work-Ethic
Griffin has walked the length of nearly 4000 surfboard blanks, planer in hand. I’m lucky to get...
Onward and Upward
We spend a lot of time talking about the way we do things, and how to improve. This applies to e...
Lumberjack // Grid Deck Inlay
In order to incorporate more depth and texture into our surfboards, we have been playing with dif...
Skilled Labor
Art of Manliness just posted a great article about skilled labor, and labor trends over the last ...
Griffin NK // Pleasant Pheasant
Tom Green swam out with Griffin last week to get photos of Griffin riding his 6’8 Pleasant Pheasa...
Small & Clean // Friend-Surf
Ran into some friends in the water yesterday... hadn't had a good old-fashioned impromptu surf-pa...
Dane Flinn // New Trusty Thrusty
If you haven't noticed, we call nearly anything with 3 fins on it a "Trusty Thrusty" so... here's...
Griffin NK // New Quiver
Almond Shaper, Griffin Neumann-Kyle just shaped himself a new 2-board working quiver. This Winte...
Meet Your Shaper // Griffin NK
Starting today, and continuing as long as it makes sense, we're going to have Meet Your Shaper Ha...
Summer 2013 // Let's Surfing!
The weather and water temp has been a little bit unpredictable so far this Summer, but unpredicta...
Modified Pinwheel // Simon Patchett
I mentioned a couple weeks ago that we were working on a new variation of the Pinwheel for Patchy...
Making of an Almond Lumberjack
We did a video last Summer following a single 9’6 Lumberjack all the way through production. Hope...
Griffin NK // Peak Hounding
Griffin, peak hounding recently in Newport… riding his favorite, the 5’0 Secret Menu Quad. Glad ...
Weekend + Waves // Griffin NK
We just finished and boxed-up a big order of surfboards for Surf System France… so we went for a ...
Griffin and Cameron teamed up this weekend for a surfboard/art project, with the end result being...