Best Selling Surfboards of 2016

With 2016 quickly disappearing in the rear-view mirror, we thought it would be a good opportunity to tally all the boards we built in 2016; and determine which models were the most popular.
Knowing which boards are ordered most often might help narrow your search, and it certainly helps us decide which boards we should build for our shop inventory.
So after the count we ended up with our 5 best selling boards for 2016 being:
Since these are the most commonly ordered board models, they are also the most meticulously refined and reviewed. Of the Top 5, the Pleasant Pheasant is the newest addition to our lineup, which is a direct response to feedback from customers who were seeking more options in the 6'4 to 7'4 range. Like all of our board models, the Pleasant Pheasant is conceived as a solution to a specific want or need.
Each of these Top 5 was designed to suit the most common needs of the surfers we associate with, and the ones who visit our shop. If you want to find out more about the specific intentions of each model, we have attempted to summarize that on each of the surfboard model pages.
As for the boards that fall out of the Top 5, they generally tend to be designed to suit more specific needs; or serve to compliment a model that already exists. For example, the Mailbox is a bit more specific, as it is designed for guys who have been riding a twin fin fish, and love the feel of it, but want a little less chatter in their turns.
Fully Custom Orders:
We get questions all the time about if we can do different sizes, outlines, thicknesses etc... We are certainly willing to build you a custom surfboard that is either a modification of one of our models, or a concept uniquely your own. Obviously we know our boards like the back of our hand, so we will always favor the concepts we are most intimately familiar with, but feedback and imagination breeds new development, and the feedback we get from you helps shape the direction of the future of Almond.