Buy it Once, Buy it Right

In a world filled with disposable products and short-term fixes, we take immense pride in building useful products that last. We don't think our surfboards are expensive, we think they're a reflection of the kind of surfboards that we want to build.
All of our surfboards are designed for durability, performance, and timeless style. Whether it's our custom fiberglass surfboards or our rugged R-Series, you're investing in years of waves, memorable sessions, and surf-progression.
Our surfboards aren’t designed to be disposable; they’re built for the long haul, meant to deliver more than just a summer’s worth of fun. Whether you're choosing a custom fiberglass board from or a rugged, recyclable R-Series, each board is made with high-quality materials and designed to keep up with you, for years to come. (Read our Care & Repair Guide for more on this subject)
Every Almond Surfboard is designed to make your time in the water more enjoyable—whether you’re a beginner catching your first waves or a seasoned surfer honing your style.
Don't settle for something temporary when you can invest in a surfboard that will bring you enjoyment for many years.

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