How to Make Your Surfboard Last for Decades

When cared for properly, your surfboard will bring you many, many years of enjoyment.
This is a quick guide to caring for your surfboards and ensuring their longevity—so your kids can teach their kids to surf on your favorite Almond Surfboard.
Rule #1: The sun is not your friend
The worst thing for your surfboard is the sun, so never store it somewhere where it receives direct sunlight. This is true of all surfboards.
Solution: Store your boards in your house, on a north-facing wall.
Rule #2: 75% of dings happen outside of the water
Collisions in the surf lineup do happen sometimes (more often if you live in Malibu) but nearly all in-water collisions are avoidable if both parties are mindful and in-control of their equipment.
The place where dings & damage tends to occur is outside the water—getting boards to and from the beach, improper storage, and the like.
Solution: store your boards in a board bag when not in use.
Rule #3: Fix your dings right away
If you do get a ding, dent, crack, or gouge in your favorite surfboard, get the dings fixed right away. Water getting inside the fiberglass is no bueno. The best thing to do is get out of the water, try to get as much moisture out of your ding as you can, and get it repaired straight away.
Solution: We can arrange for the professional repair of your Almond Surfboard.
Rule #4: Heat is not your friend
Exposure to heat is not good (for fiberglass boards or R-Series boards). In the case of fiberglass boards, heat can cause the fiberglass to bubble or "delaminate" away from the foam. This is worst case scenario for a surfboard owner, as it is very difficult to repair and can often rear it ugly head again.
Exposure to extreme heat, for R-Series Surfboards, can cause the beads of the foam to shrink and retract, causing unsightly scarring. The foam is rated for up to 170 degrees F, so normal sunlight should not cause problems, where we have seen issues is: sunlight refracting off a window, motorcycle tail pipes, and radiators.
Solution: store your surfboard in a board bag when not in use, and don't leave your fiberglass boards baking in a hot car during the midday heat.
Want more tips? Read the following articles
Want to start taking better care of your surfboards today?
Display them in your home, with a set of wall racks:
Not sure about committing your living room to a surfboard? The racks also work great in your garage.
Still don't have the wall space? Store your favorite surfboard in a board bag. If we don't have the length you are looking for, shoot us a note and we will order it for you.
Make the most of your investment in surfing, browse our entire range of Essential Surf Accessories.