Pro Leash vs. Comp Leash

When surfing your R-Series surfboard, if you decide to surf with a leash, please use the 6'0 PRO leash from SYMPL, or something similar.
Here's why...
Growing up a longboarder, I am not nearly as familiar with the nuances of surf leashes as I probably should be.
However, between rocks, crowds, and long paddle-outs, a leash can be a real handy thing to extend your surf session, maximize your wave count, and ensure the safety of those around you.
If you take a look at the offerings of any major surf leash brand, you are likely to notice they offer both PRO leashes and COMP leashes. Admittedly, last year I had to get some clarification from Frankie and Erica of SYMPL to ensure I had my picture straight.
The biggest difference between a PRO leash and a COMP leash is the diameter of the cord. A COMP leash is typically 5mm thick, whereas a PRO leash is likely to be closer to 6mm thick.
The thicker leash is better for boards with more volume, because the added surface area of a fish creates more force when a wave is attempting to rip your board away from you.
A 6mm leash is also less likely to damage your R-Series board.
The extra thickness is more forgiving if the leash happens to get wrapped around your opposite rail.
We have had a few R-Series boards get damaged by the leash getting wrapped around the rail and cutting into the foam—not surprisingly this has occurred with thinner 5mm COMP leashes, and other leash designs that we haven't tested and frankly aren't all that familiar with. (FCS now makes a braided nylon leash that should never ever be used on a foam board—ours or other brands').
When surfing your R-Series surfboard, if you decide to surf with a leash, please use the 6'0 PRO leash from SYMPL, or something similar.
If you already own the R-Series 5'4 Secret Menu, and want to surf with a leash, we suggest you order this leash, right............... HERE!