Round Rails on Surfboards

Probably the most underrated, yet impactful, detail of the R-Series Surfboard is the value of a proper rounded rail.
On any surfboard, you want soft & rounded rails in the front 3/4 of the board, because rounded rails allow water to flow over the rail. Shapers then shape "edge" in the tail so you have a resistant surface to push against when you want to turn the board.
This one of of the defining characteristics that makes the R-Series board unique, and a reason we are reluctant to group the R-Series surfboard under the umbrella of "Soft Top".
While it is a foamie surfboard, and the board is soft, it does not conform to the familiar construction methods of a soft top surfboard, and more accurately is a fiberglass-free iteration of the custom surfboards you already love from us.
The rounded rail has a tremendous impact on the way the board travels across the face of a wave... allowing more fluid movement than a board that had a glued seam for a rail.
And because it's made in the USA, we get to have a face-to-face relationship with our manufacturing partners and be involved at every step of the process.
Try one of our R-Series foam surfboards today, starting at $359.00