Will the R-Series board float me?

A common question we hear regarding the 5'4 R-Series Secret Menu is
whether the board has enough float for grown adult surfers who are in the ballpark of 200 lbs.
Good news, surfers, this board packs some float:
1. Even at 5'4, this board has some volume—36.4 Liters to be exact.
That's equivalent to what we would typically expect to see in the following foam & fiberglass boards: 5'8 Secret Menu, 5'9 Special Recipe Fish, 5'9 or 5'10 Sandia Fish.
2. It gets better—the foam used in the R-Series construction is more closely related to an EPS foam, so it has greater buoyancy compared to the polyurethane board that you are accustomed to. Meaning those lengths listed above could probably even be stretched out another inch or two.
3. The Glide—we worked diligently to ensure that the board had the perfect amount of foam under your chest when paddling, this ensures the most foam in the most impactful spot when it comes to allowing you, the surfer, to catch waves early & often.
4. Don't take our word for it... here are a few customers who were able to speak to the paddling and wave-catching nature of the board: