You Ordered A Custom Surfboard—What Happens Next?

You just ordered a custom Almond Surfboard, here's what happens next...
It takes 2-3 months to complete a custom board, depending on seasonal demand. Every custom surfboard we build touches the hands of no less than eight highly-skilled craftsmen. There is nothing mass-produced about a custom surfboard, every step is carefully executed by a passionate individual.
We build all of our custom boards in Santa Ana, CA. (The R-Series line is made in Utah, because that process is entirely different.)
Below is a brief overview of what happens between the day you order your custom Almond Surfboard, and the day we call you to let you know it's ready.
If you want to see the full video version, here's a video we put together in 2013 of the board building process.
If you are thinking about ordering a custom surfboard, and have any apprehension about the process, check out our Complete Guide to Ordering A Custom Surfboard.