3 Tips for Rapidly Improving Your Surfing:

Regardless of your level of experience, if you do these three simple things your surfing will improve—almost immediately.
1. Catch waves early in their formation:
Dig deep, paddle hard, and get to your feet before the wave has a chance to break. Everything else happens more easily when you catch waves early. This can obviously be assisted by selecting the right equipment for the day.
2. Bend your knees.
A low center of gravity will serve you well. The next time you surf, bend your knees and drop your hips down closer to the wave.
3. Set your eyes on where you wish to go.
While your board should be in the pocket of the wave, your eyes should be down the line where you are traveling. Your board will naturally want to follow your eyes, so set your gaze on where it is you wish to go.
Final Thoughts:
Surfing is a life-long learning process. Even the most experienced surfers are still improving upon their ability to read what the ocean is doing and react to it. No one has perfected it, because the ocean is always changing. Harnessing the power of a wave and using it for a free ride down the beach is a delight—and a feeling that keeps us all coming back again and again.
Equip yourself with the right knowledge and the right equipment to make this pursuit a regular part of your life. Never stop improving your approach.
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