Catch Waves Earlier & More Often

Want to improve your surfing, and enjoy the entire experience more?
Catch waves earlier.
By catching the wave earlier, you give yourself more time to get to your feet and start making decisions on where you want to go.
You might decide to keep a high-line and race for the shoulder to beat a section that otherwise would have resulted in a close-out. You might see that you have plenty of time and space to operate, and go straight to the bottom of the wave to do a Lopez-esque bottom turn.
Whether you prefer to race down the line and try to blow the oncoming section into a thousand tiny bits, or noseride through the inside section and hang heels like Nathan Adams, catching the wave early will make all of that happen with more regularity.
We design each of our surfboard models to give you the foam and glide to catch waves early and often, and then take your surfing wherever you want to take it.