Setting Up Your New R-Series Surfboard

You just picked up your new R-Series by Almond Surfboards, here's how to set it up for maximum enjoyment.
No Need to Wax
Unlike a traditional fiberglass surfboard, your R-Series does not need wax on the deck. You never have to worry about surf wax melting on the seats of your car, and the traction of the EVA deck is more than sufficient for providing a stable and connected ride.
With that in mind, we always recommend a wetsuit, rash guard or surf shirt for extended surf sessions.
Fins & Fin Boxes
Regardless of which R-Series model you have chosen, there are only two styles of fin boxes.
1. The Universal Center Box
You will find this center box on the 6'4 Pleasant Pheasant, the 8'0 Joy and the 9'2 Surf Thump. We designed and developed this box specifically for our R-Series construction. Any modern single fin should fit in this box—meaning you can swap fins or adjust your fin placement to find the exact feeling you're looking for.
Moving the fin forward in the box will make the board feel more loose and lively. Conversely, moving the fin back in the box will make the board feel more stable (yet harder to turn).
Refer to the below video for proper fin installation technique:
2. Futures Boxes
We use exclusively Futures brand fin boxes in our R-Series Surfboards. These are a common single-tab fin and you will find many "Futures Compatible" fins on the open market.
You will find these Futures boxes on both the 5'4 Secret Menu and as the side boxes on the 6'4 Pleasant Pheasant.
There is no need to worry about fin placement in a Futures box, simply back out the screw in the front of the box until it's no longer obstructing the inside of the box, and put your fin in (rear part of the fin base should grab the bar on the inside of the box, and then the front of the fin should fit neatly and snugly inside the box. Tighten down the screw until reasonably snug and you are good to go.
Refer to this video for proper fin installation:
The Leash
Every R-Series Surfboard model is equipped with a leash attachment. We recommend using SYMPL Re-Leashes on your R-Series Surfboard—the thicker cord is less likely to damage the rail of your board.
To install your leash, simply undo the velcro straps and feed the end through your leash string, securing with the velcro.
Your leash should be slightly longer than your surfboard and always worn on your back ankle.
Go Surfing
The most important part of any new surfboard... go surfing! Go surfing today, go surfing tomorrow morning, go surfing often. Spend some time on your new board at your home break, where you are most familiar with the conditions.
We preach this a lot, but one of the best things you can do to improve your surfing is to dig deep, paddle hard and catch waves EARLIER in their formation. This gives you more time to get to your feet, draw your line, and surf the way you want to surf.
All of our boards are shaped with glide-friendly rockers and generous amounts of foam under your chest when paddling. We've done our part to equip you with the right board... now it's up to you to paddle like you mean it, when that wave comes right to you.
Continue to Improve Your Surfing
We are constantly working to help you maximize your time in the water. Whether it be our monthly surf meet-ups, our weekly articles, or our YouTube channel, take advantage of all the resources that are available to you—and many years of enjoyment will await you.
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