Watch More Surf Movies

The instant gratification of social media clips has cut the legs out from under what was once the heartbeat of surf culture—the full length surf film.
Surf films had it all: board design, surf approaches, dreamy locations, style, all the way down to the music that defined the culture. Whether it was Bruce Brown, Taylor Steele, Chris Malloy, or Thomas Campbell, surf films informed the lens through which we interpreted surfing.
I have a series on the Almond blog titled “Rewatchable Surf Films” which pays homage to some of the films that were especially formative during my younger years. Films like Thicker Than Water, Sprout, Shelter, and One California Day. And then the classics like Endless Summer, Morning of the Earth, 5 Summer Stories, and Singlefin: Yellow.
Nothing captures surfing better than a well-executed surf film. At this stage in your journey, you should unapologetically be consuming as many great surf films as you can get your hands on.
Start tonight! Here are a few of our favorites