Summer Surf Action Plan

As Mickey Muñoz famously said, "there are no bad waves, only a lousy attitude and a poor choice of equipment."
Summer is almost here and our mission is to help you spend as much time in the water as possible...
- Question #1: What is the board that is going to help you make the most of the average, everyday conditions that you're most likely to encounter?
- Question #2: Who is your most surf-stoked friend that is going to encourage you to make time for surfing (and paddle out regardless of the onshore winds and knee-high waves)?
- Question #3: What is the part of your surf kit that you always forget to bring to the beach? (Sunscreen, wax, fin screw, dry towel, etc...)
Here's what you're going to do right now...
- Grab your favorite board and give it a once-over... does it need any attention to make sure it's in tip-top shape? (Don't get to the beach before realizing the fins aren't installed)
- Text your buddy and say "You and I are surfing a bunch this Summer and I need you to keep me accountable. Even if you have to drag me out of bed, we're going surfing..."
- Find that missing part of your surf kit (sunscreen, wax, fin screw, dry towel, etc...) and put it in your surf bag right now while you're thinking about it. That way you can just grab your kit and go at a moment's notice, no more wandering around the house wondering where your fin key went.
You have now done 3 simple things that will stack the deck in your favor, and increase your wave-count this Summer season. You're ahead of the pack already... now sit outside and wait for that set wave to come to you.
What's Next?