Starting Over From Zero As A Surfer

"Adult Learner" is a recent surfing term that has been used meaning a surfer who learns as an adult. The term can have negative connotations but I'm a believer in the opposite. With the right mindset and equipment, you can have a greater appreciation for the ocean and it can ultimately be more rewarding learning in older years.
It got me thinking about how fortunate I am to have grown up at the beach, with surfing as an integral part of my upbringing.
But... what if I had to start over from scratch?
If tomorrow were my first day of surfing, where would I begin?
Having the right equipment is very important—especially early on in your surfing career. You want to be comfortable and be able to paddle effortlessly. This can be purchased or borrowed if you aren't ready to commit to the sport and lifestyle.
In the winter months make sure you have a good full wetsuit (3/2mm for 60-65°F or 4/3mm for 55-60°F) and a surfboard (preferably soft foam) that allows you the speed and ease when paddling. This is your first key to success. Our 8'0 Joy is a great option for most learners.
The second benchmark in your surfing journey is time spent in the water.
There is no better substitute in learning about waves than actually being in them. There are so many different types of waves: point breaks, beach breaks, reef breaks; all with varying degrees of difficulty. Even when sitting on the beach or in the lineup, watch how waves break - and imagine surfing them. It will accelerate your learning by imagining where you want to be on the wave. Surfers call it "mind surfing".
Choose a break where you feel comfortable and ideally not many people. Typically the safest and best place to learn is small beach break.
If time is limited or the beach far away, a third key to success is reading and watching videos on surfing. We have two books that go into great detail about learning and how to improve your surfing, even when living in a land-locked state. And best of all they are downloadable and free! They are below for your reference.
Surfing, above all, is meant to be a fun way to connect with others and nature. Let the journey of finding waves and being in the water fill you with excitement and wonder. Wave riding is a pure joy, so we hope you enjoy the process of learning.
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