How Do You Find More Time to Surf?

Last month, we sent out our annual customer survey and to the surprise of very few, you all stated that the biggest pain point in your surfing experience was: not enough time.
And when asked what your goal was for your surfing this year, the #1 answer wasn't "get barreled", "hang-5" or "travel to Indonesia"... the top goal you indicated was simply to "surf more".
Today, I'm here to help you alleviate some of the obstacles that are keeping you out of the water.
While I certainly cannot slow down time or change your responsibilities, I can maybe help shifting your perspective, wave expectation, and encourage you to move surfing up on your list of priorities.
We would all agree that surfing is good for our health, correct? We need to exercise, so surfing can replace the gym or another extra curricular activity. All while getting some good ol' Vitamin D. Leaving us with smiles and a healthy body. Even if it is just replacing that one thing once a week.
Next is wave quality or weather. My biggest recommendation is if you know the waves are going to be bad, don't even check the Surfline Cameras. Grab your favorite fun board and just go! No one ever regrets a surf, even in terrible conditions. Some of the most fun comes when expectations are low and the surf surprises us.
Lastly is the time dilemma. If you only have a spare hour and the drive is 20 minutes to the beach, still go! Surfing for 20 minutes is always worth it. The mental and physical benefits outweigh most other things in life.
And it may seem counterintuitive but if you make surfing a priority this year, time will magically open up. It's amazing how things come into place when we become diligent and focused with our time.
Lastly, things that physically make it onto your calendar tend to make it into your schedule also. So put surfing on your calendar. Whether that be blocking out some time mid-week for a quick surf or joining us for the next Early & Often Surf Club meet-up, make time to get in the water.
One thing is for sure, I'm excited to surf more this summer! I will be less quality wave motivated and more quantity surf driven. And I hope to see you out there.
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