Board of the Week | 7/17/23
For the first time ever, this week's Board of the Week is from the used rack.
We recently broke o...

Learn to Noseride
One of the most satisfying sensations on a wave is to be firmly perched on the nose of a longboa...

Fin Selection & Placement for Longboards
Fin selection and fin placement are paramount for maximizing your equipment. Adding the right ne...

The Secret Ingredient that Makes an "Almond Ride Like an Almond"
We don’t talk outwardly about rocker profiles too often.
They are harder to show visuall...

Recent Surfboard Reviews
A new surfboard should solve a missing need in your quiver, and usher in a new chapter.
Whether t...

Get to know: Ronan Gibbs
Ronan is a mega-stoked 18-year-old kid, and we're stoked on his surfing and the way he approache...

Ronan Gibbs: 9'8 Lumberjack
Ronan Gibbs 9'8 Lumberjack by Almond from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.
18-year-old Ronan Gibbs ...

An Ode to Blackies (and the best surf of my life)
Blackies is a stretch of beach just north of the Newport Pier, and it gets its name from a little...

Lumberjack vs. Walks on Water vs. Logistic
Here's a common question we get, regarding the three square-tailed noserider models we build: wha...

Which Length Surfboard is Best for You
We get a ton of questions from customers who are trying to determine the correct length board to ...

4 Tips for Improving Your Noseriding
Harnessing an ocean wave and sliding across its surface is incredible, in-and-of-itself. Doing t...

Which Noserider Is Right For You?
Choosing the right noserider has a lot to do with the type of waves you plan to surf most often.

Lumberjack vs. Surf Thump
Our two most popular longboard models face off in a head-to-head compare and contrast: Lumberjack...
Pelicans & Lumberjacks
One wave of Nathan Adams riding his 9'9 Lumberjack in San Clemente.
Film/Edit: Thomas H. Green ...
Andy & Makala | Sardinia Update
Andy Nieblas and Makala Smith seem to be getting along nicely on their surf trip to the Italian I...

Early and Often
You may have noticed recently that we're talking more and more about the importance of catching w...
Schuyler McFerran | Lumberjack
We are very pleased to have a new Lumberjack under Schuyler McFerran's feet again. She's a talen...

Lumberjack + Pinwheel = Lumber-Wheel
What do you get when you mix a Lumberjack and a Pinwheel?
A Lumber-Wheel!
Left-side Lumberja...

Right At Home
Jeffrey Allee and Nathan Adams met up at San Onofre recently, so Jeff could shoot some logging wi...

10 Year Anniversary Lumberjack
January 2018 officially marks 10 Years since we built the first (albeit humble) version of what h...

Limoncello | A Surfing Film
Limoncello is a short surf film featuring Nathan Adams riding his 9'9 Lumberjack by Almond Surfb...
Nathan Adams | 9'9 Lumberjack
Here's a shot of Nathan Adams navigating the peak at San Onofre on his 9'10 Lumberjack. photo: T...

New Men's Surf T-Shirts from Almond Surfboards
March is here, and daylight savings time is about to return. This means longer days, warmer weat...

Best Selling Surfboards of 2016
With 2016 quickly disappearing in the rear-view mirror, we thought it would be a good opportunity...

Grid Inlay Lumberjack
Grid Inlays go underneath the fiberglass, and essentially act as a deck patch, while providing so...

New Almond Prints Available
Cam Oden recently completed the fairly arduous task of hand-screen printing all of the new 16" x ...

Wes Francis | Modified Lumberjack
Wesley Francis with his new 9'8 that draws heavy influence from the Lumberjack, with a few minor ...

The Parable of the Spoon
For the life of me, I can't recall who said it, but years ago I remember someone using the illust...

Almond Lumberjack Eco-Twill Trunks
The new installment of the Lumberjack Trunks marries many values that we cherish.
Namely: Made...

Eco-Twill Lumberjack Trunks
Our newest surf trunks are shipping to customers tomorrow!
They are made from 65% Recycled Plas...