7 Short Articles to Help You Surf Better This Year

Here's a quick round up of 7 articles that are sure to improve your surfing this year. Organized from more introductory to more advanced. Work your way through these articles and put some of these tips into practice next time you paddle out.
1. Catch Waves Earlier: This is the foundation of the way we approach surfing.
2. Generating Speed on a Surfboard: Properly utilizing both the wave and the board to generate maximum speed.
3. Your Feet Follow Your Eyes: Underrated aspect of surfing—leading with your eyes.
4. Tips for Improving Your Noseriding: If if's perching on the nose you desire, here are 4 tips for helping you build confidence up there.
5. Start Riding a Smaller Board: If you want to step down to a smaller board, here are some things to keep in mind.
6. Big Fins vs. Small Fins: Learn more about your fins and how they impact your surfing in the water.
7. The Simplicity of Surfing: Never lose sight of the simplicity of surfing. The world is plenty cynical, just enjoy surfing for the purity of it.
Bonus #8: Be Part of the 20% of Surfers who Catches 80% of the Waves.